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Denisse Itzel Law
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This law is the method employed by Nature to maintain the demographical balance between the genders. It can be established according to the following premises:

1.- Nature reproduces the fragile one.
2.- Women supply the masculine factor and men supply the feminine factor.

The first premise and the mentioned fragility, are related to the libido. They are related to a condition of higher or lesser libido, both in men and women. Obviously, said condition is present in the sexual union. From the above mentioned it is possible to derive the following analysis and its effects:

a).- During the sexual union, women's libido is lesser than men's. Consequently it is logical that a woman would be conceiving a baby woman, because Nature is reproducing the sex of the partner whose libido is more feeble at the moment of the conception of a new being.
b).- If the libido in men in the moment of the sexual encounter is less intense than the woman's, the invariable outcome is the reproduction of a baby boy. This means that Nature is reproducing the sex of the partner whose libido is feebler at the moment of the conception, who in this case is the man.

Pursuant to the second premise, which is the second possible aspect, we have:

a).- Man's libido is higher than the woman's, but if the man contributes with the feminine factor which in this case is the dominant one, the obvious outcome is a baby girl conception.
b).- b) Women's libido is higher than the men's. If the woman contributes with the masculine factor which in this case is the dominant one, the obvious outcome is a baby boy conception.

If we consider the above mentioned as a law of Nature, it is easy to deem it that this law is relevant and valid for all the species, namely, the whole Nature.

This means that the application of this law allows to select the sex of the children to be conceived.

Any application method, system, procedure of application, exploitation and practical use of this law is a part and forms a part of it.

This law is the result of more than ten years of research made by Santiago Canales Martínez in Mexico.